Paradigm Shifts 1
Hi everybody, I'm Sam, and this will be my first contribution to the
blog! (cue applause) It will not be a physical modeling exercise;
instead I will be writing a little bit about about paradigm shifts in a
series of a few posts. I hope it will provoke some interesting
discussion. "But Sam," you ask, "Isn't 'paradigm shift' just a buzzword
that people use to sound important?" Well, maybe, but it's also useful
phrase used to describe a substantial change in the way something is
done. Consider, for example, THE METRIC SYSTEM (many details from
In 1791, in the wake of revolution, France became the first country to
adopt the recently developed metric system. Since then, every nation in
the world has officially adopted the metric system except Liberia,
Burma, and the United States. It is the standard measurement system for
most physical science, even in the US (as far as I know, no other unit
system even has a measurement for quantities like electric field or
magnetic field) (also, when I say metric, I of course include cgs and
mks and ignore systems that are not meant for measurement, like natural
units and Planck units). It has the advantages of easy unit conversion
(1 km = 1000 m vs 1 mile = 5280 ft, a value which I had to look up from
and lack of ambiguity in units (mass = kg, force = N vs mass = lbs_mass
or stones, force = lbs_force). The strong preference of scientists for
the metric system is evident from past experiences: From
CNN, September
1999: "NASA lost a $125 million Mars orbiter because a Lockheed Martin
engineering team used English units of measurement while the agency's
team used the more conventional metric system for a key spacecraft
operation" This story also illustrates the equally strong preference of
engineers for the English system. Ah, and herein lies the problem. You
see, when the metric system was first adopted in Europe, it created a
standardized unit system. This proved useful to merchants selling their
wares by weight, but more relevant to myself as a scientist, it provided
a means for creating scientific recipes, for providing the utterly
essential aspect of reproducibility to scientific experiments. However,
now the standardization exists even with the English system, given a
simple unit conversion. But why not adopt the metric system to avoid
situations like the Mars orbiter and make me less confused when I cross
the border to Canada and see speed limit signs telling me to do 80?
Because it would be too huge of a paradigm shift. Allow me to
illustrate my point.
One of the most (if not the most) strongly affected groups by a change
in measurement systems is manufacturers, ie people who make stuff. I
will use a typical example of a manufacturer, the kind who I interact
with in my lab: the noble machinist (keep in mind that machinists are
very important, as they are required to make many, many products). If
you have ever worked with a machinist in the states, chances are he or
she will be totally confused if you try to give them dimensions in
millimeters (I have done this, and they weren't very happy with me
because it meant they had to convert all the dimensions I gave them into
English). It would be extremely difficult to retrain people who have
used the English system all their lives. It would be like learning a new
language. Inevitably, it would cause a large number of mistakes. More
significantly, they would have to get ENTIRELY new equipment. Every
machine shop would have to completely replace their tools (drill bits,
screwdrivers, wrenches etc) and materials (standardized sizes of bolts,
nuts, sheet and bulk material, pipes, connectors, cables, etc etc). You
could say, "Come on, it wouldn't be so bad! Listen, we could gradually
phase out the old English equipment and just make everything in metric
from now on!" However, I would counter that this is not a realistic
plan. For starters, there's the problem of having to keep around two
sets of equipment (one for the old English stuff and one for the new
metric stuff), which would require double the space and double the
maintenance. Second, there would be compatibility issues between new and
old equipment (e.g. my old 3/4" ipod port wouldn't mate with my new 2 cm
connector). Third, the previous two problems would likely be around for
a long time, considering the age of some of the equipment that I've seen
in labs and elsewhere.
And I haven't even mentioned the economics. If basic parts manufacturers
(the people who make the screws, the bolts, and the sheet metal that
will later be made into products) began to offer metric parts (now that
I think about it, maybe they already do?), I doubt anybody would buy
them. It would cost them too much to replace all their machinery
infrastructure. There would be no market for them. Maybe you would then
ask "Well, what if the government made everybody switch to metric?"
Well, other than the backlash this would cause towards whichever
administration suggested this, it would likely hurt and maybe even
bankrupt companies who were forced to switch. As far as I can tell, it
would definitely hurt the US economy in the short term (but it might
help other countries who could sell their metric wares here) and not
help it at all in the long term. To me, the economic loss (not to
mention the difficulty in convincing the US population to swallow the
change) outweighs the advantages of switching. At this point, exhausted
from my challenging you at every turn, you may finally say, "Well hey,
SPEAKING of Canada, they changed to the metric system only in 1973. How
did THEY do it??" The answer is that, well, they didn't. Not entirely
anyway. Sure, the country may package food and make road signs in metric
(which the US could probably do, if people could somehow be convinced to
go along with it), but in fact their engineering materials, which mostly
come from the states, are still in English units. Even Canada couldn't
justify completely converting to the metric system Which just goes to
show how difficult it is to pull off a paradigm shift. Next time, I'll
present an example of a paradigm shift that I think COULD work.
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