Tags and Categories
- 42
- accelerometer
- advice
- air resistance
- allan variance
- analysis
- ants
- apologies
- approximation
- ask a physicist
- asteroid
- autocorrelation
- bad physics
- baseball
- basketball
- Batman
- battleship
- beer
- benford
- betelgeuse
- bike
- birthday
- blackbody
- blotto
- Bohn
- book review
- book reviews
- books
- bouncing ball
- brain damage
- bridges
- bruce willis
- bubbles
- budget
- buffon's needle
- bug
- bummer
- busted
- calculus
- Calories
- camera
- Canada
- cards
- carl sagan
- casio
- cell phone
- Census
- Center of Mass
- centrality measures
- charge
- chlorophyll more like borophyll
- cipher
- circle of life
- class
- clicky
- cognitive dissonance
- cold
- collision
- conduction
- contest
- coriolis
- credit cards
- crisis
- cryopreservation
- culture
- curiosity
- current
- darts
- data
- day-month-year
- daylight savings time
- desperate plea
- dice
- diet
- dimensional analysis
- dinosaur
- do the dew
- dr. dre
- Dvorak
- earth day
- education
- elections
- electron
- EM
- end of the earth
- English
- entropy
- equations
- esoteric
- Eurocentrism
- excessive saluting
- exogenesis
- experiment
- fantastic contraption
- Faraday's law
- features
- fermi
- fermi problem
- feynman
- fish
- flying
- footnotes
- footprint
- Fosbury flop
- fourier
- free data sets
- free fall
- freeze
- fun
- fun water rain human
- furlong per fortnight
- games
- gas
- Geonosian solar sailer
- gilligan
- glass
- gnomes
- graph
- gravity
- great scott
- green power
- guestimation
- gun
- hall effect
- heat
- hedonism bot
- hello kitty
- Higgs
- high jump
- hooray
- how do i get free stuff?
- human
- ice
- information theory
- infrared
- interference
- intuition
- iphone
- james bond
- japan
- jimmy johns
- koalas
- large numbers
- laser
- lasers
- lattitude
- launch
- lebron james
- linear algebra
- literature
- logic
- long
- long day
- longfellow
- lottery
- macguyver
- mad beats
- magic
- magnetar
- magnetism
- manufactoria
- mars
- marvin the martian
- math
- matt magic
- measurement
- MEGAPIXELS (srsly)
- memorial day
- metaphysics
- metric
- model
- modeling
- molecules
- momentum
- monte carlo
- monty hall
- moon
- movie
- mysticism
- nanobots
- networks
- neutron star
- niagara falls
- Nic shout outs
- nontransitive
- not absurdly large images
- nuclear
- numerics
- octopodes
- odds
- office hours
- onsager
- optics
- orbits
- order of magnitude
- Paradigm shift
- particle physics
- Paul Dirac
- pencil balancing
- pendulum
- pennies
- pepsi
- phone data
- physics
- physics challenge
- physics in sports
- pi day
- pi-rithmetic
- picopixels
- picture
- pineapple
- politics
- potato
- power
- primes
- probability
- problem of the week
- Proofiness
- proton
- pulsar
- puns
- python
- Q factor
- quantum
- quantum mechanics
- question
- radiation
- railgun
- recoil
- reflection
- revisionist history
- rubber bands
- sand
- satellite
- saturn
- Schwarzschild
- sci-fi
- scott bakula
- Scrabble
- search engine ranking
- search engines
- shorts
- simulation
- site news
- solar sails
- solar system
- sound
- space
- spectra
- sports
- standards
- star wars
- statistics
- Stats
- steak
- storage
- summer
- summer research
- sun
- the core
- thermodynamics
- thin films
- things that probs wont kill you
- time travel
- tire
- toothpicks
- toto
- tour de force
- toy physics
- transit of venus
- trig
- trigonometry
- ungodly large images
- units
- vampire
- video
- war
- water
- well-spent saturdays
- why
- wiki
- wind
- witchcraft
- zombies